Our Services

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Title 5 Septic System Inspection & Certification, and Consultation

We perform Title 5 Septic System Inspections and Certifications as required for sale and transfer of properties. We can also locate your septic system to evaluate whether or not maintenance is required. With over 40 years of experience in on-site and municipal wastewater management, we are uniquely qualified to provide expert advice on the care and maintenance of your septic system.

Septic System Design

We provide septic system upgrade design services for clients who have failed septic systems. We conduct percolation testing, evaluate the suitability of the soils, prepare design plans for submission to the local Board of Health, and perform all required inspections pre- and post- installation.

Environmental Consulting

Wetland and Resource Area Delineation — Our expertise in soil science and wetland vegetation allows us to provide accurate wetlands delineations regardless of seasonal variations in the water table, or past site alterations.

Project Mitigation — During the planning phase of your project, we can help you minimize impacts to regulated resource areas through careful consideration of alternative designs and creative mitigative strategies.

Erosion and Sedimentation Control — To avoid unnecessary construction impacts to regulated areas, we can counsel you on effective methods of managing stormwater during construction and protecting sensitive resources from stormwater runoff.  We also provide guidance on preventing coastal bank erosion as the result of wave action along the Island’s coastal ponds and bays.

Permitting of Regulated Activities — If your project falls within state and local regulated areas under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, we can bring it through the complex permit processes.
